LabTools - Tweak your image in Lab space
[This plugin was renamed from SContrast to LabTools]
This plugin allows to increase or decrease the image contrast by applying an S-shape curve to the Lab L channel.
It also allows to increase or decrease the saturation level by modifying the slope of the Lab a and b channels.
The plugin effect is controlled using three parameters:
- Contrast: increase or decrease the image contrast
- Lightness: increase or decrease the image lightness
- Saturation: increase or decrease the image stauration
Note that, due to the nonlinear transformation used, the lightness effect depends on the contrast level value.

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AfterShot / AfterShot Pro 3
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Linux users:
64-bit version not yet available
AfterShot / AfterShot Pro 2.2
64-bit version not yet available
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Notice: The plugins shown on this page are not created by Corel Corp and are not tested or warranted by Corel. These plugins are created, sold, and supported by the developers of the individual plugins.